[POL SCI 191A] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 76 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

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Organize it to the questions on the syllabus. What is the question to the reading is a response. Reconstruct the first two pages of the article. Something is being answered or argue or put forth. What is the major argument in this article. Argument and the question aren"t the same thing one is the answer. When doing research and reading academic articles. What are the major concept they are using to support the argument. Might have lots of information but what is the major conceptual architecture that they are using theories. How are these major concepts connected to one another. You could then connected it all the concepts on the board. What"s the connection between a and b. Narrativize the connection, which gives you the analysis. If you can do it to all that"s the analytic breakdown of the article. You can do this to every scholarly article. Trump is not a surprise to many scholars.