PSYCH 130- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 20 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Quizzes: non-cumulative; conceptual questions, no who said or dates. Physical development - how do children grow brain development single cell > human being. Social - how do we develop a connection to other people, how do our personalities develop. Cognitive - infant is most helpless of all humans; capacity to develop language, math, etc. We are social creatures if we are put into solitary con nement for over 10 days 99% will become psychotic. Continuity vs. discontinuity continuity - gradual, continuous cumulative change from conception to death discontinuity - development involves distinct stages. Stability vs. plasticity stability - traits and characteristics persist through life plasticity - change is possible, based on experiences. Diathesis-stress model - talks about the interaction between nature and nurture. Ex. alcoholism: historically alcoholics in genes but never take a drink (not in the environment) > does not manifest raising babies is tiring, hard > u. s. has highest rate of postpartum depression in the world.