[BIOL 1108] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 39 pages long Study Guide!

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Is (cid:858)unproved but falsifiable(cid:859: describes a lot with just a little (a model of few parts, makes predictions about future observations, scientific method. Core concept 1: genetic variation refers to differences in dna sequences. (cid:862)variable(cid:863: b is more variable, a and b have the same mean (12, variance: where measurements fall in comparison to the mean value (range around mean, a has a low variance, b has a high variance. Is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out: when zero, means all values are the same, gives a measure of how the data are distributed around the mean. Core concept 2: patterns of genetic variation can be described by allele frequencies. What can cause genetic variation (change in allele frequency): a mutation. Somatic: cells of rest of organism (cancer) Germ-line: passed to offspring, sex cells (sperm and egg) Advantageous: good: then recombination gives new combinations not present in parent population.