LING 1030 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tongue, Soft Palate, Syntactic Category

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Prescriptive: rules about how people think a language should be used. Ex: you should not end a sentence with a preposition. Descriptive: what linguists are really interested in. Describe how native speakers actually speak their language. The form of a word to create meaning. Morpheme = the smallest meaningful unit in a language. Reduplication: process used in the formation of certain grammatical categories where a letter or set of letters is duplicated. Resyllabification: phonological process in which consonants are attached to syllables other than those from which they originally came. Change the meaning or class of a word. Create a new grammatical category of a word. Ex: boy boys (singular plural) love loved (present past tense) Analytic -simple, no changes in tense or long words. Polysynthetic - one word can be an entire sentence. Classifications of words: noun, verb, adjective, etc. Phoneme = the smallest unit of sound in a language.