[SOCI 1251] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 49 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Sociology: the scientific study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists study groups of all sizes: not really one person, dyads (e. g. , a romantic couple, small groups (e. g. , a family, large groups (e. g. , the auto industry, nations (e. g. , the u. s. , the global society. Underlying assumptions of sociology: people are social by nature, people live most of their lives in groups, interactions between people and groups are reciprocal: each influences the other. Individuals influence a group and groups influence an individual: groups feature recurrent social patterns, ordered behavior, shared expectations, and common understandings, conflict and change are inevitable, not always going to be the same and this can cause conflicts. Evidence that people who live together first are more likely to get a you marry them. More about how it influences their lives. Social problem: a social condition that has negative consequences for individuals, our social world or the physical world.