EEMB 50 Study Guide - Final Guide: Transient Ischemic Attack, Stroke, Silent Stroke

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Apoplexy- former term for a stroke, used by hippocrates for a massive stroke ( from the heavens ) Galen associated apoplexy with blood (1 of the 4 humors); anything that interfered with the flow of blood to the brain. To restore balance between humors, they considered removing blood as a remedy (bloodletting and enemas). The method was justified by blood compromising the brain. Cerebrovascular disease- a group of conditions that affect the circulation of blood to the brain. Parallel to cardiovascular disease, want to rebrand to brain attack. Cerebrovascular disease is typically the 3rd or 4th cause of death. Risks: smoking (2x), blood pressure, overeating, male, and stress (think of the presidents) Stroke is the #1 leading cause of adult disability. 1 in 6 people will have a stroke in their lifetime. Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)- a rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain that lasts longer than 24 hours.