COGS 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuroglia, Cognitive Map, Procedural Memory

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Studying the mind involves looking at 5 different areas of study: neuroscience, computer science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy. Connect levels of organization in the brain. Sum of a system"s parts resulting in new, unique properties / capabilities. Different types: substance, conjunction, property, structural, functional, real. Wearing red in sports enhances winning chances (reading) Social complexity (audio calls, mouse in labyrinth = cognitive map, pigeon with color and lines (colors register early, lines late) = prospective encoding. Response to social forces (complex society requiring communication, collaboration ) Expansion of the insular and cingulate cortices in cetaceans is consistent with high-level cognitive functions such as attention, judgment, intuition, and social awareness known to be associated with these regions in primate. High ratio of glial cells to neurons. Understanding of symbolic representations, procedural / social knowledge, body parts, strong foundation of memory, learning of abstract rules, understanding and execution of instructions from trainers, associations between sounds and temporally paired events.