CGSC170- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 75 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Models of memory describe how information is processed in the mind. Main types of computation for memory: transformations of one type of representation into another. Encoding of sensory information into sensory memory. Encoding of sensory memory into working memory. Encoding/consolidation of working memory into long-term memory* Process models describe interactions: between memory systems (transform/transmit info. to another type of memory, within memory systems (transform into another sub-type of that mem. type) A(cid:374)derso(cid:374) (cid:894)1(cid:1013)(cid:1012)3(cid:895) (cid:862)adapti(cid:448)e co(cid:374)trol of thought [(cid:858)a(cid:272)t] star(cid:863) (cid:449)ith 3 major components: Interacts with external environment: encodes info from, performs response into environment. Info is retried from here into working memory. Production/implicit memory: working memory provides info that may match the if side (condition for) production rules. If the working memory info matches, then an action is executed. Procedural knowledge use driving: sensory stimulus of red light encoded into working memory, representation of red light in working memory matches if clause of production rule in production memory.