COMM212 Study Guide - Final Guide: Non Sequitur (Comic Strip), Synecdoche, Research

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Document Summary

There will be 32 questions and 3 bonus questions. There are four sections: true/false, multiple choice, matching, and short answer. Each question is worth 3 points, except for the short answer questions, which are worth 5. The bonus questions will be worth 1 point each and will not be counted against you if they are incorrect or incomplete. This makes the exam a total of 100 points with a possible 3 extra points. Any material assigned over the course of the semester is fair game, but to prepare, mainly focus on: Review the vocabulary and major concepts of each chapter / reading. Difference between written, spoken, and conversational language- writing is usually permanent and written texts cannot usually be changed once they have been printed/written out. Speech is usually transient, unless recorded, and speakers can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along. Conversations tend to be colloquial and relaxed while public speaking requires more formal language.