ECON308 Study Guide - Final Guide: Federal Open Market Committee, Transaction Account, Reserve Requirement

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15 May 2016

Document Summary

The fed is not controlled by any other agency. Although it is a part of the government, it is not regulated by another government agency or told what to do by any members of congress and/or the president. Analysis of the reserves model for i determination. If the market ff rate is different from the target ff rate, the fed must enact monetary policies to adjust the ff rate. Money sits in a demand deposit account during business hours and goes into a savings account when the bank closes, where it collects interest and does not require a reserve requirement e. i. 1. Done during a recession: fed sells securities to banks, it is an open market sale e. i. Banks pay the fed with excess reserves e. ii. Reduces (shifts left) the vertical portion of sres e. iii. e. iv. Defensive omo daily operations to maintain target. Dynamic omo large operations to change target. Banks only borrow from fed under extenuating circumstances.

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