NTDT200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Glycogen, Low-Density Lipoprotein, Prediabetes

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Document Summary

This document serves only as a guide to assist you in narrowing your study focus. Any material discussed in class is fair game on exams. This exam will also cover as far as we discuss on monday of the protein chapter. Sphincter muscles, what they are, 4 discussed, function. Flow of nutrients after absorption in small intestine; Monosaccharides names and where we find them other names (ie monosach = dextrose) Glycogen storage where and how much in each site, how long does it last at rest, pa. Normal blood glucose levels, prediabetic & diabetic levels. Hormones regulating blood glucose levels, effects and where they come from, functions. Glycemic index and generally which food fall in low, mod, high. Saturation and bonds; unsaturated and db; names of fa with 1 db, more than 1 db. Ldl/hdl - what is desirable for these (high/low) Dietary sources of saturated fat, mufa, pufa (omega-3, omega-6) Recommended blood cholesterol level, recommended dietary cholesterol levels.