PSYC340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Parahippocampal Gyrus, Retrograde Amnesia, Transient Global Amnesia

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Mcgurk effect: sound stimulus and visual stimulus = mental interpretation. Subjects can recall more letters from a matrix when provided with a cue corresponding to specific parts of the matrix. Partial report = 75% of line no matter where it is located in the matrix. Free recall: subject must remember words presented to them in a list. Primacy effect: can recall words close to the beginning of the list because they had time to be consolidated to ltm. Recency effect: able to remember words close to the end of the list because they are still in stm: k. f. showed mostly normal primacy effect, but decreased recency effect. Peterson procedure: subject presented with a list of words (3 letters each), then asked to count for x seconds. Rehearsal is critical for stm, whose duration is different from. E. p. (herpes simplex virus) medial temporal lobes: could not recall the image presented to him when asked to redraw it.