SOCI301 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Informed Consent, Institutional Review Board, Belmont Report

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Belmont report - a 1979 national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research report that established three basic ethical principles for the protection of human subjects, including respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Respect for persons: treating persons as autonomous agents and protecting those with diminished autonomy. Beneficence: minimizing possible harms and maximizing benefits in research. Justice (in research): distributing benefits and risks of research fairly. Federal policy for the protection of human subjects: federal regulations established in 1991 that are based on the principles of the belmont report. Institutional review board (irb): committee in all research organizations including universities that reviews research proposals to ensure the protection of human subjects. Debriefing: a session after an experiment in which all instances of deception are revealed and explained and participants are allowed to ask questions. Informed consent: when a competent research participant voluntarily agrees to participate in a study.