ANT 3520 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Forensic Arts, Involucrum, Osteomyelitis

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Forensic artwork applies art to a medicolegal context- the primary purpose is to create leads and identify the decedent. However, this is not a positive identification; artwork creates presumptive evidence. Artists need a knowledge of anatomy, skull structure and tissue composition- but also need the creativity recreate a model (by using information from the biological profile) Anatomical method description skull image overlaid on an antemortem image; osteometric landmarks are used to align digital imaging and computers used to superimpose remains to antemortem images. Artists rely on estimated parameters and personal details (eye color, jewelry, hairstyle etc) to reproduce estimations of the decedent. Last resort method if the biological profile doesn t give a missing persons match. Cannot be used as a positive identification, results vary on the artists skill/experience. No standardized method- can cause measurement and reproduction errors. Pathology indicates that a tissue or organ is functioning improperly, or is compromised, and not simply an anomaly.