FOS 2001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Diverticular Disease, Gastrin, Maltose

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Lesson 4: digestion and absorption of chemicals in the human body. Peristalsis the forward, rhythmic motion that moves food through the digestive system. Gastrin a digestive hormone produced in the stomach that stimulates digestive activities and increases motility and emptying. Digestion is the breaking down of macronutrients contained in foods into basic building blocks, or elements, required for the body"s nourishment. The movement of nutrients, salts, and water across the gi epithelium into blood or lymph. Know each of the components of the three most abundant dietary disaccharides: sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Triglycerides are digested to monoglycerides and fatty acids. Nonpolar are absorbed across the intestinal epithelium by simple diffusion. Plant starch and glycogen are the most abundant dietary carbohydrates. It occurs in the mouth with the usage of salivary amylase. It occurs in the stomach with the usage of pepsin. A chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.