[POT 3302] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 32 pages long Study Guide!

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Understanding ideology and the forgotten ideology of republicanism. Ideology has a variety of history: the root of the world is traceable to enlightenment france and anton de tracy, goal is determining true or false ideas. Middle-ground definition: an ideology is a fairly coherent and comprehensive set of ideas that explains and evaluates social conditions, helps people understand their place in society and is platform . A buried ideology- republicanism : essential to the united states, the flag is a symbol of the republic. Aristotle developed a typology of regimes: one ruler, correct: kingship, deviant: tyranny, few rulers, correct: aristocracy, deviant: tyranny, many, correct: polity, deviant: democracy, his version of polity blended democracy with oligarchy. The idea of middle government: preserves the best of each simple form of government, creates political stability, staves off the slide to corruption, ensures individual freedom within the necessary context.