ANTH 1102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Franz Boas, Sami People, Cultural Relativism

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Concepts to know: anthropology, understand what anthropology does and what the focus of research is. Anthropology is the study of human species and its immediate ancestors, looks at human nature, society and past. It is holistic (all facets of shared human behavior) and comparative. Looks at the culture and society of living people. It is a science and uses scientific method and hypotheses. Primary obligation is to the people the study: know the four subfields as well as academic versus applied research. Academic is university taught, funded by grants and research, have freedom to ask questions ~ create the theories. Applied: practical application of research, applying what other people have done to solve issues, more concerned with solving real world problems using info gained by studying other cultures ~ apply the theories. Academic anthro grew after ww2 once gi bill allowed more people to go to school. Cultural: look at modern living societies and their cultures.