MARK 3337- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Exam will be 50, multiple choice questions from both lecture and the textbook. 30 questions will be from the text and 20 questions will be from the lecture and in class discussion covering chapters 1 - 5. You will need to bring a purple, purple webct scantron and a number 2 pencil to the exam with you. Inside and outside sales: ex: industrial salespeople, sales engineer or application engineer, field salespeople, missionary, consumer good channel salespeople, b2c sales, direct selling and retail, ex: jewelry sales, clothing sales, computer sales. Inside: do work within the walls of a business. Information sharing: strategic selling era (1980s, marketing niches include more, strategy is given just as much attention as selling tactics, partnering era (1990s-present, customer, not product, emphasis on strategies to create customer value. Integrity: allows customers to know if they can trust your work: verbal vs.