MATH 1330 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Score Test, Unit, Dot Product

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Where: casa (see your conformation email for the exact location) Questions: 9 multiple choice + 2 free response = total 11. Points: 80 for multiple choice part (appear in your casa grade book after you submit your test in casa testing center) + 20 free response (posted later in a separate column named test 4 (fr)) = total 100. Plan to be at the testing center 10-15 minutes before your scheduled time. If you are late, then try to reschedule through your casa account. If you miss your test, you will get a zero for the test. Your final exam score will replace one lowest score test grade. 10% of your best score will be added to your test 3 score. Know how to write complete answers to free response problems. Study the class notes, review homework and quiz problems, and try to do as many exercises as you can from the textbook.