CHEM 440 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Potentiometric Titration, Redox, Equipartition Theorem

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Dof 3n 3(rot or 2 linear) 3(trans). Ru m so rh m= ru m + ngrt = rh rh = ru +p v= ru + nrt. equally all energetically accessible dof of a sys. Sys tries to max s by dist the available e evenly amongst all the accessible modes of motion. Show rt can be used as ref measure of therm e. from pv = nrt, rt = Pv/n dim of rt are ml^2t^-2, same as e. r=8. 314 j/mol k t=298 k (0,1). 2 are 1 & 8 are 0 - 10!/2!8!. 2 are 1 & 2 are 0 so 10!/2!2!. Hw 1 (w, s, h): (cid:6917) for w (total states)!/(repeats)!. + s, * w. (cid:6918) bomb cal qv= Hw 2 (dof, boltz): (cid:6917) the equipartition theorem states e is shared. Each quadratic dof will, on average, possess an energy kbt. (cid:6918) 8. 314*298 /1000 = 2. 48 kj/mol = 0. 59 kcal/mol.