SOC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Role Theory, Achieved Status, Impression Management

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Norms - what is appropriate, should be doing different for different groups change over time. How people spend time is indicator of norms b/w groups. Who does what shifts too b/w groups. Is bc values change b/w groups reflect different understandings & values of life. 1st fundamental insight of sociology how people behave, think and feel & what they believe about themselves strongly conditioned by circumstances. Dramaturgy - goffman our lives may feel real to us, but we are living out some kind of a play - sometimes aware sometimes we"re not. Front stage - behaviors when you know you"re being observed. Back stage - behaviors when you"re not being observed. Impression management - to manage what is your front stage. Action is promissory - action is promising to someone bc you have no idea what another is like, act on their promises of what they do.