SJ 101- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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6 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Intersectionality: multifaceted identity affecting different levels of privilege, we don"t live one-dimensionally in one single role, not just about one"s identity but also includes interlocking systems of, ex: patriarchy, capitalism, imperialism, etc. oppression that define society. Reform: keeping the current system while making some adjustments. Transformative change: undoing the fundamental logics that keep the original system together. Neoliberalism: rely heavily on the market, less government involvement in social issues, laissez-faire government policy, more government in police and military, all about protecting capitalism. Praxis: combination of theory & practice in the real world. Evolutionary: lets things change naturally without upsetting anything"s natural order. Revolutionary: upsets the natural way of things and forces change. In doing so you become a part of the very thing you are trying to undo. Regardless of race, gender, etc. you have received privilege by belonging to the system.