PSY 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dual Process Theory, Myelin, Tabula Rasa

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Psy 100 study guide for exam i. The science of psychology: prescientific psychology, rene descartes. Mind and body dualism innate ideas rationalism: john locke. Aristotle"s tabula rasa empiricism: psychology is born, wilhelm wundt first psychology laboratory. Atoms of the mind : structuralism, functionalism, defining psychology, until 1920 , from 1920-1960, today, empirical questions, skepticism, critical thinking, research in psychology - ethics, research with humans. Irb informed consent confidentiality debriefing deception: research with animals, scientific method, case studies, surveys, naturalistic observations, correlational studies, experimentation independent variables, dependent variables, control condition placebo. Brain and behavior: the neuron, 3 main parts (dendrites, cell body and axon, action potential. Myelin sheath threshold all or none principle: synapse, neurotransmitters, the nervous system, peripheral nervous system. Brain: the brain, central core, limbic system, cerebral cortex. Perception: absolute thresholds, subliminal stimulus, difference thresholds, weber"s law, sensory adaptation, vision, how do we see the world. Rods and cones: how do we see: colors light waves.