ANTHRARC 282 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Zande People, Syncretism, Cytogenetics

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14 mc; 6/9 definitions, 6/9 fill-ins; 5 short answer; 10/14 short answer. Franz boas: believed that universal laws did not govern human culture, suggests language affects ways of thinking (contradicts noam chomsky, studied kwakiutl (pacific northwest) More specific grammar that portrays how they got the information they were talking about: sapir-whorf hypothesis: different languages produce different patterns of thought. Laura bohannan: worked among tiv (nigeria, shakespear in the bush storytelling = powerful art form told the story of hamlet, lost on everyone b/c not universal. Tiv elders eager to hear laura"s story stories interpreted through. Noam chomsky local context: co-created universal grammar rules. William labov: linguistic variation and social class, higher prestige stores pronounced r"s in nyc used to be higher class that dropped r"s . Ex: dawling, go get the buttuh vs darling, go get the butter : high prestige dialects can provide social and economic benefits. Victor turner: studied liminality, communitas bond b/w people in liminal stage.