COMM 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stress Management, Models 1, Symbolic Interactionism

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4 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Satisfying three requirements for causal relationship: two variables should have a systematic correlation between cause and e ect, cause precedes in terms of time, alternative explanations are eliminated (not spurious or explained by other variable) * confounding variable : another / variable that correlates with both the iv and the dv. Moderator : a ects relationship between iv and dv. Like the middle part in chain of events. Does media a ect the way families spend time together? . How do we classify media e ects: domains and levels. Long-term: short-term: an e ect that usually happens immediately after exposure to message, e. g. ) Night at the museum alex laughed at ben stiller: long-term: an e ect that continues to exist long after exposure to a message, e. g. ) Night at the museum alex dreamed of becoming a night guard after. Ways of knowing: common sense or folk wisdom, senses or experiences, authority, science.