INTLSTD 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: United Nations Human Rights Committee, United Nations Human Rights Council, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions

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Google nigram viewer: human rights regime has had a massive increase recently. Reasons for rise in human rights interest: State system is not always capable of protecting its people: urgency of protecting others rose as a result of decolonization, globalization/technology flows of ideas and information is easier. Origins of human rights: renaissance europe: hugo grotius, locke, hobbes. Natural rights are separate from goods will; decrease in religious affiliation. Natural rights: not contingent on laws/customs they are universal and inalienable, come before institutions. Legal rights: bestowed by given legal system: american revolution: thomas jefferson. Virginia declaration of rights 1776: took abstract/philosophical notion and put it into writing to form law; more tangible: french revolution: montesquieu, rousseau. Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen: applied to all people not just french people. Foundation of international human rights law: udhr, iccpr international covenant of civil/political rights: western ideal, icescr international covenant of social/economic/cultural rights: non-western.