PSYCH 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Premarital Sex, Infor, Casual Sex

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Adolescent sexuality and sexual behavior: characteristics of sexually active teens, dating and early sexual experiences, rates of teenage sexual activity and contraceptive use. 27% of american teenagers don"t use contraceptives. Most popular method is condoms, but large minority uses withdrawal/no method. Do not use contraceptives because not readily available, not well- informed about sex/contraception, do not anticipate having sex and birth control requires long-term planning: stds (e. g. , main finding from bearman et al. , 2004) Study of one midwest high school found few sexually active teens had multiple partners, but only 1/3 of relationships lasted 6 months. One infected person in the network of sexual activity could. Is teen sex a problem? infect the entire school: sexual activity in adolescence (16+) is not associated with problems, but early sexual activity is: Parent and peer influences on sexual activity: parental supervision predicts timing of sexual activity.