PSYCH 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sulky, Stepfamily, Gender Identity

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Chapter 10: emotional and social development in middle childhood (lecture 11) Four psychosocial challenges of middle childhood: erikson"s theory: driven by the combination of adult expectations and children"s drive toward mastery. Industry vs. infe riority: the psychological conflict of middle childhood that is resolved positively when children develop a sense of competence at useful skills and tasks. Danger is inferiority, reflected in the pessimism of children who lack confidence in their ability to do things well. Changes in self-concept and self-esteem: effects of child-rearing. Children of authoritative parents have high self-esteem. Best way to encourage children is to strive for worthwhile goals. Controlling parents are linked to low self-esteem. Overindulgent parents are linked to unrealistically high self-esteem: effects of culture. Asian cultures have higher academic achievement, but score lower on self-esteem because of emphasis on social comparisons in asian schools. Girls score slightly lower than boys in overall sense of self- worth.