PSYCH 270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Desirability Bias, Bilateral Cingulotomy, Humanistic Psychology

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Epidemiology: the study of the frequency and distribution of disorders within a population. Incidence number of new cases of a disorder that appear in a population during a specific period of time. Prevalence total number of active cases that are present in a population during a specific period of time (lifetime prevalence- proportion of people in a given population affected by the disorder at some point during their lives) Gender differences are found in many but not all mental disorders; most prominent differences include: anxiety disorders and depression (more common in women), and substance abuse and antisocial personality disorder (more common in men). Comorbidity the presence of more than one condition at one time in an individual. Global burden of disease and injury assessed impact of conditions; mental disorders are responsible for 1% of death but 47% of disability in the u. s. and developed nations.