PSYCH 280 Study Guide - Final Guide: Normative Social Influence, Affective Forecasting, Pole And Polar

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2 Jan 2019

Document Summary

We are not very accurate at predicting what will make in the future most of the time. Cues us to what others are doing in order to influence what we do. Conformity from accepting evidence provided by other people. Look to others when we do not know the right answer. Conformity based on a desire to fulfill others" expectations. Ex: having 4 friends that smoke, they never ask you to smoke but you feel compelled to start smoking. A change in behavior or beliefs to agree with others. Behavior change designed to match the actions of others. Behavior change that occurs as a result of a request for certain behaviors. Willingness to comply to a larger request after first complying with a smaller request. Asking for larger favors first and then retreating to a smaller favor. Expectation that people will help those who have helped them. We determine what"s correct by looking to others.