PSYCH 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Systematic Desensitization, Learned Helplessness, Psychoanalysis

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PSYCH 100 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 100 Full Course Notes
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Abnormal behavior: behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives. Abnormality as a legal concept: rests on insanity, cannot understand the difference between right/wrong. Abnormality as deviation from average: behaviors are rare/occur infrequently abnormality as deviation from the ideal: considers abnormality in relation to the standard toward which most people are striving. Abnormality as sense of personal discomfort: abnormal if it produces a sense of distress/harmful to others. Abnormality as the inability to function effectively: unable to adjust to the demands of society/ function effectively. adhd: a disorder marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustrations, and a great deal of inappropriate activity. Aggression: the intentional injury of, or harm to, another person. Antidepressant drugs: medications that improve a severely depressed patient"s mood and feeling of well-being. Antipsychotic drugs: drugs that temporarily reduce psychotic symptoms such as agitation, hallucinations and delusions.