PSYCH 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Desirability Bias, Postgraduate Education, Naturalistic Observation

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16 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Psychiatrists go to medical school for their postgraduate education, where they receive general training in medicine and earn an m. d. degree. Inferences that can be drawn from experimental vs. correlational designs- Dependent variable is the variable that is thought to be affected by manipulation of the independent variable: statistically significant results- is sad to exist when the probability that the observed findings are due to chance is very low. Very low is usually defined as less than 5 chances in 100: operational definition describes the actions or operations that will be used to measure or control a variable. Chapter 3: parts of a neuron: cell body, dendrites, axon- neurons are individual cells in the nervous system that receive, integrate, and transmit information. The cell body contains the cell nucleus and much of the chemical machinery common to most cells. Dendrites are the parts of a neuron that are specialized to receive information.