PSYCH 241 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Applied Behavior Analysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, White Watson

67 views3 pages
18 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Oral; if oral needs are not met, may develop thumb sucking, fingernail biting, overeating or smoking. Strengths: emphasis on unique life history; case study method. Limitations: strongly committed to clinical approach; cant focus on empirical research: behaviorism: classical conditioning: stimuli trigger a response; ivan pavlov"s dogs & bell; little. Albert; generalizing white rat fear to anything soft and white fear generalizes to new objects; No stages, one course, mainly nurture: skinner: operant conditioning, verbal behavior. Operant conditioning theory: the frequency of behavior can be increased by following it with a wide variety of reinforcers; food, praise, smile or decreased by punishment such as disapproval or taking away privileges: behaviorism"s impact today: Applied behavior analysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc: vygotsky"s sociocultural theory: learning takes place within a social interaction. How culture; the values, beliefs, customs, and skills of a social group is transmitted to the next generation.