[EEB 4329] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (30 pages long)

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Distinguish homoplasy from homology, to have an accurate tree of life, we want monophyletic tree. Eocene earth about 50 million years ago, dawn of the mammals. South america is an island closer to africa. Animals in common with australia and antarctica and south america. Great american interchange over the last 60 mya. Panama comes up and connects sa and na, and peak occurs 3 mya. Lots of migration, noted by alfred wallace 1876 (helped darwin) Humans come 13,000 years ago to south america. Most large animals extinct by 11,000 years ago. North america is safe from monkeys as there is a desert in the way. Share common ancestor in africa with old world monkeys, catarrhines 35 mya. Caviomorph rodents (cavi is guinea pig) 31. 5 mya. These are mainly diurnal (contra to streps and tarsiers) If a prehensile tail is present, monkey is south american. Neither new world nor old world have all species fully trichromatic, meaning that neither did ancestor.