PSYC 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scientific Method, Dependent And Independent Variables, Naturalistic Observation

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Developmental processes & periods: development: is the pattern of change that begins at conception and continues through the life span. Most development involves growth, although it also includes decline: biological processes: produce changes in an individual"s body. Hormonal changes of puberty: cognitive processes: refer to changes in an individual"s thought, intelligence, and language, socioemotional processes: involve changes in an individual"s relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality, periods of development: Prenatal period: time from conception to birth. A time of extreme dependence on adults. Many psychological activities are just beginning: ability to speak, coordinate sensations and physical actions, think with. Early childhood: end of infancy to 5-6 years old preschool years symbols, imitate and learn from others. Young children learn to become more self-sufficient. They spend many hours in play and with peers. First grade typically marks the end of this period. Middle and late childhood: 6-11 years old elementary school years .