PCD 8117 Final: 1 exam 2 cariology (8)

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Lecture #8 - Cariology Vaccines
Know the basic assumptions that accompany design of a caries vaccine.
o Is caries vaccine necessary?
Caries is a non-life-threatening disease, so safety issues very important.
Vaccine would not be 100% protective and targeting high risk population
may be perceived negatively.
o Is a vaccine feasible?
Would be likely protective to some degree, but uncertain how much.
Behavioral choices still provides protective effects.
Too vigorous of an immune response (vaccine) can be just as bad as too
little a response.
Additionally, still unsure of how much a role S. mutans plays in caries.
o Assumptions for vaccine development – S. mutans and/or S. sobrinus are the most
prominent cause of dental caries.
o Immune response
Salivary prevents adherence of S. mutans by aggregating it for
different than normal role of phagocytes.
If an antibody is protective against caries, then those who are caries free
must have higher levels of the antibody against S. mutans – however, there
is no difference among test populations.
Know the options, strengths, and weaknesses of different study designs.
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