PROS 8120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Median Plane

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Condylar guidance of left and right tmj: anterior controlling factors (of anterior teeth) *when posterior and anterior controlling factors have the same angulation, cuspal inclines must be no greater (sharper/taller) than the controlling factor angulation, or else the cusps will collide! Want to give patients the tallest cusps we can allow, but cannot run into each other! *the steeper the guidance, the taller the posterior cusps can be. *when post/ant factors have different angulations, the cuspal inclines of the teeth are influenced by how close they are to the controlling factor. Effect of anterior guidance angle on cusp height. Greater vertical overlap, taller the posterior cusps can be. Greater the horizontal overlap, shorter the posterior cusps must be. Effect of angle of occlusal plane on cusp height. The more parallel to the condylar guidance angle, the shorter the cusps must be. Effect of curve of spee on cusp height.