PSQF 1075 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heredity, 18 Months, Moral Reasoning

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Interpreting correlation coefficients: correlation is a number that indicates both strength and direction of a relationship between two events or measurement, the closer the correlation is to 1. 00 or -1. 00 the stronger the relationship. Positive and negative correlations: positive: relationship between two variables in which the two increase or decrease together, negative: relationship between two variables in which a high value on one is associated with a low value on the other. Random assignment: without any definite pattern, following no rule, results in no bias if it is random testing or random assignments in an experiment. Statistically significant findings: not likely to be a chance occurrence- wasn"t by random chance. Independent- you manipulate it (age: dependent- the effects and result of manipulated the independent variable. Assimilation and accommodation: assimilation: fitting new information into existing schemas, accommodation: altering existing schemes or creating new ones in response to new information.