PSY 2811 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Statistical Significance, Mississippi Highway 15

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Surveys: (or polls) are a method of gathering information from participants via self-report. Many types of information are best investigated having participants explicitly answer questions. Surveys allow us to gather frequency information for one or more variables. Examples: frequency of sleep disturbance or preferred social media outlet. Not all questions are equally useful or valid. We might use open-ended questions; it allows the participants to fill in the response in any way they like: use open-ended questions for: Research questions on explicit content of a self-generated response or information implicit in response. Most surveys rely on a choice format; these provide few possible categories of responses makes analysis simpler but might lose richness. The wording of the question is essential. Same basic questions with different wording can alter the outcome of the survey. Leading questions: questions should be worded neutrally.