BIOL 409 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Total Variation, Exaptation, Continental Shelf

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20 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Species change over time the change in the average trait values across generations: concerned with the change in allele frequency within a population, artificial selection: microevolution done intentionally by humans. Macroevolution new life forms derive from older ones: refers to evolution occurring above the species level, including the origination, diversification, and extinction of species over long periods of time. All life forms are related: homology: common ancestors different functions, analogy: different ancestors similar functions. *the earth is really old: vestigial structures: useless or rudimentary version of a body part that had an important role in the past, ex. The differences are, at least in part, passed from parent to offspring (variation is. Individuals within a population differ from one another (variation) heritable) In each generation, more progeny is born than can survive and reproduce (differential survival and reproduction) Survival and reproduction are non-random with respect to phenotypic variation (differential success-attributable to certain alleles/allele combinations)