BIO 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Regional Differentiation, Wnt Signaling Pathway, Catenin

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15 Jun 2018
If cortical rotation is inhibited, the dorsal side won’t form
What forms first, the organizer or the nieuwkoop center?
The nieuwkoop center forms first
Figuring out how doral axis gets established in frogs?
o Zap embryos with UV radiation you get no cortical rotation, nor dorsal side ,
which results in the embryo being ventralized.
o If UV radiated embryos are injected with wnt (vertebrate version of wingless,
signaling molecule) mRNA , the mRNA gets translated into wnt protein
o “RESCUES” dorsal development which means ventralized embryo is now able to
make dorsal stratomer (ex. Eyes) due to added signal
o So: wnt signal must be important for dorsal development.
Steps in dorsal specification & mesoderm specification
ϐ-Catenin + GSK protein distributed throughout egg (animal)
Maternal factors already in vegetal side of the egg; Veg1 + VegT
Wnt signaling induced by cortical rotation on the future dorsal side.
o Prevents breakdown of ϐ-catenin dorsally
Β-catenin broken down by GSK
Wnt signal inhibits GSK so ϐ-catenin no broken down (future dorsal)
Dorsal Axis Induction
Dorsal Side
1. Wnt Signal
2. Blocks Gsk
3. Allows buildup ϐ-catenin buildup
4. ϐ-catenin acts as a transcription factor to induce Nieukoop cetner
Ventral Side
1. No wnt signal
2. Gsk not blocked
3. Gsk breaks down ϐ-catenin
4. No dorsal development ‘
B-catenin acts as a transcription factor to cause expression of “organizer genes”, ex. Siamois
(trx. factor)
Mesoderm Induction:
Maternal VegT,Veg1 produced in egg; vegetal cytoplasm
o Signals endoderm development
Dorsal Side:
B-catenin maternally distributed through the egg
Allow buildup of b-cat dorsally
Activate “dorsal genes
Overlap of b-cat + veg T/Veg1
Expr. of siamois in nieuwkoop center
FGF bead induces supernumerary limb bud
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Document Summary

If cortical rotation is inhibited, the dorsal side won"t form. What forms first, the organizer or the nieuwkoop center: the nieuwkoop center forms first. Figuring out how doral axis gets established in frogs: experiment, zap embryos with uv radiation you get no cortical rotation, nor dorsal side , which results in the embryo being ventralized. If uv radiated embryos are injected with wnt (vertebrate version of wingless, signaling molecule) mrna , the mrna gets translated into wnt protein. Rescues dorsal development which means ventralized embryo is now able to make dorsal stratomer (ex. Eyes) due to added signal: so: wnt signal must be important for dorsal development. Dorsal side: wnt signal, blocks gsk, allows buildup -catenin buildup, -catenin acts as a transcription factor to induce nieukoop cetner. Ventral side: no wnt signal, gsk not blocked, gsk breaks down -catenin, no dorsal development . B-catenin acts as a transcription factor to cause expression of organizer genes , ex.