CMS 313M Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Organizational Communication, Theory X And Theory Y, Constitutive Equation

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Exam: -45 questions , multiple choice (space to defend your answer ) Textbook- social structures created by individuals to support the. Day 1 course introductions: a) what is this course about? collaborative pursuit of specified goals. To find objective goals, select participants and gather resources. Comm. constitutes org. life. (a site of intervention) (understand complications of technology) To study how comm. dominates the organizations of life. We are looking under different lenses for different orgs. Why or why not: not necessarily, each lens focuses on one aspect of the organization at the expense of others, why would it be a mistake to say that a particular organization is a. Classical organization ? because classical approach is a lense, a map not the territory, but you can use any lense to study an organization. Social benefits & ills- allows us to do things we could not do on our own.