GOV 312L Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Direct Democracy, Party System, Marketization

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12 Jul 2015

Document Summary

Similarities and differences to liberal democracy: committed to but doesn"t put all priority on maximizing individual liberty, liberal democracy believes in equal starting chances/formal equality of opportunity, legitimizes class differences and outcomes, sd is full democracy, protection of individual liberty and social equity, sd believes in some equity of outcome, minimum standard of living, diminish inequality from capitalism with taxes. Government intervention in the market: regulation of businesses in the market, regulated wages, hours, controlled unemployment, committed to unemployment for equity, unemployment gives business strength, goal is to maintain working class, channeling of investment, channel profits into investment and away from private, differential tax rates, long term credit to provide for investment in new businesses, all these channel investment and allow for improvements, active labor market policies, achieve and maintain employment, active labor training with unemployment insurance, keeps labor force skilled and prevents laziness.