GRG 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gerontology Research Group, Dhabihah, Kashrut

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This element of folk culture persists alongside popular or commodity culture when other elements of folk culture have been abandoned. Religion comes from religare (latin) meaning to fasten or connect loose parts into a whole. Religion is a particular powerful force producing cultural cohesion. Formal regions defined by religion are noticeably different from each other. Identity is the glue that holds groups together. C. act as barriers to diffusion exclude others in a gesture that solidifies the sense of us . Labels for the other ( infidels, heathens, pagans, cretins, gentiles ) can promote the idea that those with different beliefs are evil, bad, misguided or ridiculous. The existing pattern of religions is the result of centuries of diffusion. Religious regions create receptivity and barriers to diffusion of other traits. Proselytizing (or proselytic) religions: diffusion is promoted outside and/. or inside the culture region (e. g. christianity &