HDF 351 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Longitudinal Study, Procedural Memory, Hidden Place

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Study guide for quiz 3 & discussion questions. Infant cognitive development: cognition in infancy, text ch. The modification of an existing scheme to apply to a new situation is termed accommodation. Adaptation the fundamental process whereby schemes are altered by experience; involves. Assimilation versus accommodation when information can be processed according to an. Schemes a way of acting in the world, in newborns, more of less automatic motor activities. Equilibration a process of adaptation to resolve contradictions between the child"s. Egocentrism refers to infants" understanding of the world in terms of their own motor. Primary circular reactions infants" tendency to repeat chance discoveries involving the. Secondary circular reactions infants" repetition of movements that accidentally produce. Tertiary circular reactions when a infant accidentally cause an even, and then intentionally. Symbolic (representational) thought the ability to think about people and objects even in. Deferred imitation infants" imitation at some delay after observing the action.