HDF 378L Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reinforcement, Ivan Pavlov, Little Albert Experiment

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What does a disorganized baby do in the strange situation such that child is classified as disorganized: disorganized infants have no consistent strategy to gain comfort. Screams for parent at separation and moving away from parent at reunion. Name 3 characteristics of frightening behavior that mothers can engage. Attack posture, growling during feeding, looming, and non-playful stalking. What happened: the parent is a source of comfort and fear. Who developed the theory of operant conditioning: b. f. skinner. Know the case of little albert and pavlov"s dog what is the ucs, cs, ucr and cr: little albert was conditioned to fear a white rat. Conditioned response fear: pavlov"s dog associated the ringing of the bell with getting food. What are the differences between classical and operant conditioning: classical conditioning is based on involuntary reflexive behavior and association between stimuli and responses. Operant conditioning is based on voluntary behavior and reinforcement.