HIS 119S Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dawes Act, Interstate Commerce Act Of 1887, Mckinley Tariff

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11 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Congress restricted chinese immigration with the treaty of 1880. French started building the panama canal which violated the. Wounded knee last battle in south dakota. U. s. census bureau reports that there is no more frontier in. John d. rockefeller started the standard oil trust in 1882. Congress passed the sherman anti trust act in 1890. Ohio dissolves the standard oil trust in 1892. Carnegie buys the homestead mill, buys majority interest in a coke company (type of coal) in 1883. Carnegie forms the carnegie steel company in 1892. Sears roebuck company produces a 500 page catalog printed in several languages in 1895. The american federation of laborers founded by gompers for skilled workers (no blacks or women) in 1886. Homestead strike, in pittsburg, owned by carnegie in 1892. Stanford university and the university of chicago open in 1890. Turn of the screw by henry james published. Red badge of courage by steven crane published in 1895.