[GNDR 1100] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 26 pages long Study Guide!

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1960s: academic study of gender triggered by 2nd wave feminism. End of 20th century feminism mostly involves theories of male dominance. Gender studies - how specific people experience sexuality and reproduction, masculinity and femininity, and their intersections. Social construction of male, female, intersex, etc. Women"s studies - 1970s, linked to feminist politics, re-evaluation of the basis of women"s lives. Men"s studies - developed 1990s, arose out of recognition that men are gendered beings. Feminism - even though men & women are different, they are equal, recognition of women"s oppression/repression, commitment to achieve economic, political, and social equality. Intersectional feminism (3rd wave)- recognition of the intersection of oppressed/minority categorizations, stemmed from ideas about abolition & suffrage. Wwii, rise of women"s labor force, 50s: era of non-violent activism. Birth control, oral contraceptive, developed in the 1960. Second wave - mid to late 1960s, sexuality, family, workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, marital rape/domestic abuse, rape & women"s shelters.