[ASTR 151] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 13 pages long Study Guide!

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Everything we know about the universe, we know through studying its light: looking through time and space, most of the universe is inaccessible except for its light. Light- a form of radiation, carries a wealth of information with it: light is like a wave and a particle, humans can only see visible lights, light has many different forms other than what humans can see. Radiation- any way in which energy is transmitted through space from one point to another without the need for a physical connection between the two locations: there are several different types of radiation. Electromagnetic radiation- radiation caused by rapid variations in electric and magnetic fields: light = electromagnetic radiation. All forms of light travel at the same speed. The human eye only capable of seeing visible light. Infrared light is undetectable by the human eye: microwaves, infrared light, ultra violet light, x-rays, and gamma rays are all forms of invisible light.