EDPY 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Blood Sugar

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Unit d article quiz review questions: describe how we can best choose an activity that will break the destructive cycle of an unpleasant mood state. Sadness, for instance, in a low arousal state; so a sad person should go on a run to trigger a high arousal state that is incompatible with staying blue. Relaxation works better for high energy moods like anger and anxiety. On the most obvious level, emotional states affect behavior. Depressed, angry people are less likely to stick with diet and exercise regimens and are more likely to smoke. Negative emotions can have direct effects too, by provoking the stress response of the classic fight-or-flight mechanism. In response, blood pressure and blood glucose levels increase, while chemical changes in the blood enhance the clotting reaction to help heal wounds. In the long run, this can damage blood vessels. Also, depressed and hostile people respond differently to stressful situations.